Decorations by Ella Bella Floral. Like them on facebook as well.
Lunch was provided by The Crepery. Oh my! If you have not tried it, you MUST! It is my new favorite place in Logan to eat. Like them on facebook and go enjoy its goodness. You'll be addicted!
Dessert was provided by Sweet On You Cakeshop. These cupcakes were delicious! If you think the cupcakes look good, you should see the cakes they do! Amazing! 
At the end of the workshop we had a "couple" come model for us. These two just met minutes before modeling together. They're pretty convincing aren't they? The girl modeling in these photos also designs wedding announcements, check her work out at Ruffled Ink Design.
Thank you Brittany for sharing your brilliance at your amazing workshop. I can't wait to start putting into play everything I learned there!
These are cute! It's so fun to see everyone's own spin on the pictures of the same thing! (=