Well hello! First things first... let's just say I've been terrible at posting on my blog. Although I've taken a good 8 month break from photography to have my baby (well, kind of a break) I haven't posted any of my shoots from February of 2012!! I'm such a slacker. So...my goal (and it's a lofty one) is to share a few of my favorite pics from my shoots since then and make somewhat of an attempt to catch up since I'm ready to slowly start easing my way back into the photography scene. Ready...set...GO!
I am so blessed to have such great neighbors and the Green family is one of them. They were some of the first people we met upon moving up here and we just love them. I also love that we live in such a beautiful place. These were taken just up the road from us and it was GORGEOUS! The best was to walk into the Green's living room a few weeks ago to see these photos blown up on huge beautiful canvases hanging on their wall. LOVED it!